Over the years, some friends came to my interviews “Eat With The Owner”(EWTO), some friends are just customers becoming friends. Some of them have social media accounts, please give them some love.
Heidi Small
Guest of EWTO #2 #47 , food critic, Instagram handle @beyondtheplate_
Angie Ye
Guest of EWTO #3, model, fashion, Instagram @tongyyemua
Aurelie Ky
Guest of EWTO #4, podcaster, educator, https://www.education-monsters.com/podcast-1
Bin Zhu
Guest of EWTO #6, IT professional, founder, X handle @BinZhu_NOTBOX
Domenico Ciarallo
Guest of EWTO #8, enterpreneur, www.rocketsport.com
Mishel Wong
Guest of EWTO #9, enterpreneur, Instagram handle @bopaqmtl
Anqi Sun
Guest of EWTO #10, musician, singer, Instagram handle @anqisunmusic
Moundhir Bechari
Guest of EWTO #13, media personality, Instagram handle will be updated soon.
Athens Zhang
Guest of EWTO #15, entrepreneur, www.athensoft.com
Kayla de Leon
Guest of EWTO #16, comedian, Instagram @infinitepest and X @theinfinitepest
Brenda Shan
Guest of EWTO #17 #48, meida personality, X @BrendaBenShan and Instagram @brenda_bei_shan
Pavel Sokov
Guest of EWTO #19, painter, Instagram @pavelsokov,
Anne Sao Leclerc
Guest of EWTO #19, model, Instagram @annesao
Mitch Dyer
Guest of EWTO #20, game story writer, X @MitchyD
Sui Meing Wong
Guest of EWTO #21, martial art instructor, Choi Li Fut, www.wongkungfu.ca
Lil Waterboi
Guest of EWTO #27 musician, singer, Instagram @lilwaterboi and @Bahaycollective
Yves Ulysses
Guest of EWTO #28, fashion entrepreneur, www.le-m3.com
Dan Vineberg
Guest of EWTO #29, YouTuber, Instagram @thenewtravel and X @danvineberg https://www.youtube.com/c/DanVineberg
Jean Yang
Guest of EWTO #30, YouTuber, https://www.youtube.com/user/jyangcs
William Rossy
Guest of EWTO #33, meida personality, YouTuber, Instagram @Sprouht, https://www.youtube.com/@Sprouht
XinKun Dai
Guest of EWTO #34, media personality, fashion model, Instagram @pradabaekun https://www.youtube.com/@PradaBaeKun
Denis Chang
Guest of EWTO #38, Gypsy Jazz Guitar player, http://denischang.com/ Instagram @denischangmusic, https://www.youtube.com/@DenisChangMusic
Monica Hamburg
Guest of EWTO # 41, comedian, Instagram @monica.hamburg, X @monicahamburg
Harrison Weinreb
Guest of EWTO #43, comedian, X @harriweinreb, Instagram @harri.jw
Michel Lim
Guest of EWTO #44, restaurant owner of “La Belle Tonki”, Instagram @labelletonki
Wassim EL-Mounzer
Guest of EWTO #45, comedian, Instagram @wassimsokay
Balarama Holness
Guest of EWTO #46, politician, Montreal mayor candidate in year 2021, lawyer, Instagram @balarama_holness, X @BalramaHolness
Marie Nadeau Tremblay
Musician, plays baroque violin, Instagram @baroquemaggot
Sahara Von Hattenberger
Musician, cellist, Instagram @saharathecellist, https://www.youtube.com/@Sahara101010
Chris Lau
Photographer, Instagram @jcl_in_mtl